Why The Incarnation Means The World To Me
If you haven’t already read my post about the Incarnation from a few days ago, start there. You may think my illustration is disgusting or extreme, but I believe it only scratches the surface of how incomprehensible it is that Jesus, the All-Powerful Living Word, the Majestic King of All Creation, willingly surrendered to the Father’s great plan of salvation and entered the flesh of humanity to live as one of us here in this fallen filthy world.
And here is why that means so much to me: He gets it. He knows. He’s been here. He has done this. He has struggled within the confines of flesh and time and gravity. He gets it.
When someone I love is taken from me by death in a way that seems so cruel and senseless, I can pour out my heart to my Lord, knowing He gets it. His dearly loved cousin, John, was violently murdered in a horrifically public manner, just to satisfy the lust and vengeance of a couple of degenerates in power.
When I am weary and hungry and grouchy, and the temptation to act selfishly and short-sightedly seems so very justifiable, I have a King who totally understands what I am facing. Jesus endured more hunger and weariness and pointed temptation than I can imagine during his 40 day trial of dedication in the wilderness.
Then I find myself wishing things would go my way, the way that seems best, easiest, most comfortable, or most fulfilling to me. And sometimes God smiles and approves and grants my hearts desire. But sometimes, He tells me He loves me, shakes His head “NO,” and shows me another path. One of pain or struggle or self-sacrifice. And He tells me to walk that path, but that I will not walk it alone. Lord, help me remember that when the time came for you to walk the final steps along The Path of Pain and Self-Sacrifice, you walked alone. And you did it so I would never have to face my struggles alone.
Why does the Incarnation mean so much to me?
Because I know He gets it. And that means the world to me!
(I like the way William P. Young addresses the power of the incarnation in the chapter, “God on the Dock” in his bestselling novel, “The Shack.” If you have never read it, I highly recommend it! And be sure to check back later this week for the conclusion of this blog series, “Living the Incarnational Life.”)
Chemaine · April 7, 2009 at 9:47 am
Helpful when I ask the question “why” to know that he lived through worse, understands pain, and he did it for me! Praise God we will rise up!
Roger Butner · April 8, 2009 at 8:27 am
Amen, Darlin!
And thanks for being part of my blog community. 😀