Ultimate Peace

Published by Roger Butner on

My list of 10 Proven Ways to Increase Your Peace has really been in no particular order.  Until now.  I have been saving the best for last.  This final recommendation is, in my opinion, by far the biggest factor in our lives that affects our level of peace.

Seeking God  10. Pursue God with all your heart.  I won’t try to offer the particulars of how to pursue God with all your heart in this post.  Praying, reading the Bible, reading devotional classics, worshiping with other seekers and finders of God, and so many other ways, as well.  Another time, another series.   (If you are totally at a loss as to how to do this, check out www.renovare.org and feel free to contact me personally.)  I do want to urge you to try this step out for a month, and see if it doesn’t change your life drastically for the better.

Pursuing God does not mean you have to suddenly figure out how to be perfect.  Ain’t gonna happen!  It means looking to the Author of perfection to learn how to make spiritual progress in life.   It means fixing your eyes on an example and a power greater than anything we can find in the human race.  It means reaching out to the One who really does have all the answers we need for living well.

It means living with what Jesus calls the “peace that passes understanding.”  This means that the peace we experience when we genuinely seek God with all our hearts simply defies human understanding or explanation.  It is that amazing.  It is that sustaining.  It is that transformative.  It is that good.

Whoever you are.  Wherever you are.  Whatever you’ve done.  Seek Him.  Reach out to Him.  Call on the name of Jesus as you reach out to the Almighty God.  He will be there.  He loves you.  And like a good father who delights in blessing his children when they ask, He will be more than ready to bless you and guide you when you call out to Him.

For more, I highly recommend “You Are Special” by Max Lucado. You Are Special

Categories: inspiration


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