Parenting Like You Mean It!
Here’s a little sneak peak of the parenting seminar I will be sharing on Saturday, July 24 at Zachary Church of Christ from 9-11 am (call 225-654-5993 to register, childcare and lunch provided):
- At its core, parenting is about teaching and training your children to live well.
- Stop trying to convince your children you are in charge… Just be in charge!
- Effective parenting is calm, loving, committed leadership of our children.
- Parenting Like You Mean It! means being more concerned with your child’s growth than their comfort, pleasure, or praise.
- Parenting Like You Mean It! means being more concerned with your child’s growth than their compliance.
- When the time comes to correct your child, use as few words as possible when pointing out their error and explaining why it was wrong.
- When the time comes to correct your child, aim for enough suffering to ensure the lesson is imprinted in their mind, but not so much that it inflicts damage to their body, spirit, or core relationship with you.
- Invest less energy in lecturing your child, and more energy in finding an effective consequence and offering encouraging, practical guidelines toward learning, growth, and success.
- Parenting Like You Mean It! means having greater vision than your child, while having a willingness to see life through your child’s eyes.
- Parenting Like You Mean It! means sharing your parenting energy out of a foundation of taking good care of your self and your marriage.
- Your children need to learn from you that they are valuable, but not the center of the universe.
Feel free to share your thoughts or questions here, and I would love to see you there! Anyone care to guess what Coach Herb Brooks has to offer in the realm of effective parenting? What about Morpheus?