Paradigm for Peace
A paradigm is basically a worldview and overall structure for approaching and making sense of life. I start today’s post with the concept of a paradigm, because yours may get shaken a bit today. My number one mentor was all about shaking people’s paradigms while he was walking planet earth. So why shouldn’t I give it a shot?
Yesterday, I challenged you to “work on yourself and serve others – not the reverse,” as a way of bringing you to much deeper peace, contentment, and purpose in life. Well, since that obviously didn’t run you off, see what happens when you add this:
7. Take care of yourself, for the sake of others. These two pathways to peace are NOT opposed to one another, they actually reinforce each other. I am indebted to my friend, Hal Runkel, for doing so much to enlighten me in this regard, through his tremendous work with ScreamFree Living.
Consider this with me. Which person will be more capable of serving others well? The individual who feels healthy and whole, not needing anything in return? Or the individual who is running on empty, feels incomplete, and is desperately hoping to get some kind of tangible payback from the person he is serving? Hmmm…
And if the healthy, whole individual is the one equipped to be a true servant of others, how did he reach that place of wholeness in the first place? How did she manage to have her needs met, ensuring she wouldn’t be needy toward others?
By taking good care of self. Not being selfish or inconsiderate of others. Being considerate or your self, and seeing that your needs are well met is not selfish. It is healthy, will empower you to be a tremendous servant, and will increase your level of peace exponentially! Some may be thinking of what you have heard about Jesus’ life and teaching, and you just can’t justify my post with that. Jesus gave his life for others. He wasn’t concerned with self. Right?
For those who are looking for much deeper guidance through this consideration of Jesus and His regard for self, I would encourage you to take the time to read this well-written essay. In short, Jesus often withdrew from the crowds and their needs, so He could be alone and recharge with His Father. He broke the rules when it was time to eat or heal, because He wasn’t in the least concerned about the approval of others. And He taught us that the second great commandment, “The Golden Rule,” is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Take some time to really consider and practice the full implications of that in your life.