More Wisdom from Oogway
Good ole Master Oogway just may become a regular contributor here at HopeForYourFamily! It is obvious that many have been touched by his wisdom and are hungry to be reminded of his profound words, given the tracking history on my site. (Previous posts on 11/13/08 and 12/28/08)
Today I found myself reminded yet again of the deep wisdom of my favorite cartoon Kung Fu grandmaster turtle, when a friend was sharing how he is gradually learning to challenge his notions of “my life is going good” and “my life is going bad.”
Sometimes, when the pathway is pleasant and carefree, we are headed toward complacency and a condition where we can easily slip from our healthy spiritual foundations. On the other hand, when the path seems difficult and troubling and painful, this may be the very road that leads us to rich and freeing spiritual growth and contentment.
Or, as the spiritual anchor from “Kung Fu Panda” told us when Master Shifu was all disturbed by some recent “bad news”…
“There is no good or bad. There is just news.”
You may think this just a bit (or maybe a lot) too new-agey or mystical or whatever. But let’s put this to the Christian test of the Bible as our standard for truth.
– Jesus challenges us at least five different times in Matthew 6:25-34 to let go of worrying.
– Read Hebrews 11 and hear God’s call for us to have faith in Him, that He has a plan, that He has all power, and that He will take good care of us when our faith is in Him.
– Check out Romans 8:28-39. Incredible passage! Just check out the two bookends of the passage, verses 28 and 38-39 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose…For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
– Consider 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, which boldly warns, “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!”
– Finally, I recommend Hebrews 12 as an excellent guideline for living the Christian life of faith, service, and surrender to God. At the outset of this passage of practical spirituality, we are given the key to living well, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…”
So, thanks again to that wise old turtle for challenging and uplifting me with profound Truth. As long as my eyes are fixed on Jesus, I am living by faith in the loving care of my Father, and I am surrendering my will to His, then I really need not concern myself with whether an outside event or series of events is “good” or “bad.” God is good. He is sovereign (in charge). He loves me personally. He has all power. And He has promised to bless my faithful seeking and service, without expecting me to achieve perfection for myself.
Yeah, life is good. I know the Good News. Regardless of today’s news.
1 Comment
Oboefi · June 3, 2011 at 7:51 pm
Also, just another thought to add:
The Bible tells us not to judge, that we should leave the judging to God.
If we decide to deem the news “good” or “bad,” then we are making a judgement call when that is not really our place to do so. We should take things for what they are and leave the judging to God.