Hang On!

Sometimes, you’re just hanging on, aren’t you? Life seemed safe and easy until you took that Big Leap. Or maybe something Big came along and scared you, so you retreated to what you thought was a safe place. Or you were just enjoying life right where you were until a big Gust of life started rocking your world back and forth, making you wonder what’s even going on and why. Your job is in jeapordy, or you’re sick and tired of searching for Mr/Mrs Right, or your marriage is a mess, or your addiction struggles (whether you can even use that word or not) are whipping your backside, or your kids seem totally lost, or your faith seems to be of no help whatsoever in the storm of your life, or you don’t think you can take one more day of living with this illness/condition/disability. Whatever got you to this precarious life position, you’re feeling like all you can do is hang on. Believe me – I’ve been there plenty of times in my own life journey! It can feel scary, draining, intimidating, lonely, exciting, and so many other things when we’re just doing our best to hang on. But, you know what?
Because you may not be as alone as you feel. Someone may be right there pulling for you and ready to help. Someone might be watching in wonder and beginning to believe they can take the tough leap in their own life, because they see you hanging on. Someone could even be waiting for you to fail, only to see you prove them wrong.
Because as much you may hate the Truth of these words: This, too, shall pass.
Because once you’ve hung on long enough to regain your strength and your bearings, you may look around and realize you’ve never enjoyed a better view in your entire life. And you may just realize you have it in you to climb to something even greater, now that you have a taste of what God created you to be and to do. So, if you feel you can’t jump or climb or even take anymore, that’s fine. Just…
That will be enough for now. You’ll figure out the rest soon enough. Whenever you’re ready. When you realize you aren’t alone. And you’ve got more to do and to be. And the haters ain’t gettin’ the last word in your life. You got this, if only you will just
Hang on!