Independence Day is just days away for the people of our country. We celebrate the 4th of July as the day our nation officially became a free land, governing ourselves with independent sovereignty. The Boston Tea Party, The Declaration of Independence, “the shot heard round the world” at Concord, and the whole Revolutionary War were all outward expressions of a shared determination to make our own choices for ourselves and no longer be ruled by a tyrant king. “Give me liberty, or give me death!,” as Patrick Henry so powerfully stated the sentiment.
We started out so strong and proud and noble. Look at us now – still strong and great in some very significant ways, but in many ways not living out the American Dream as envisioned by our forefathers (or so I would strongly suspect). I’m not writing this post to be anti-patriotic, or to jump on our nation. I’m writing about human nature. Isn’t it such an ingrained part of our nature to take our freedom, put it in the hands of our sinful (“selfish) nature, and begin to destroy ourselves in the pursuit of happiness? Maybe it’s just me, as I know this is a continual struggle for me, but this seems to be a fairly universal dynamic.
So this year for Independence Day, I am inviting you to join me in an important declaration of independence. Let’s take a long, honest look at ourselves and determine to set ourselves free from the self-destructive, relationship-destructive attitudes and actions that may seem so right or justified when we are only focused on immediate gratification and not on the bigger picture. I don’t know what your internal laundry list looks like, but I am learning to see my own more clearly. Maybe it’s your role in your marriage, that nasty habit, some parenting practices, your spirit while driving, how you spend your money, how you spend your time, or any of a zillion other things. Whatever it is, you cling to it, knowing it is only making your life worse, because somewhere down deep you just believe you deserve it. And it really has you enslaved by your own embracing of it. Name it clearly for what it is, maybe even write it down and/or share it with a trusted someone, and then…
Surrender it to God. Turn it over to your Father who really does want the very best for you. Cultivate a willingness and desire to live as Christ in this area of your life. Daily invite His Holy Spirit to guide you and empower you to be released from this voluntary prison and live in the true freedom that only comes through surrender.
With Hope of Freedom through Him,
meg3450 · July 8, 2008 at 12:51 am
How true about us destroying our own freedom with our self-destructive ways. To paraphrase the apostle Paul, I want to be so much, but find I do what I don’t want to do and don’t do what I want to do. I love this Independence Day challenge and plan to take you up on it.
I have a mentally ill family member, a fact which causes great stress, and I rarely react in a relationship-building manner. I want to work at responding in a constructive way at all times.
I just turned 60 and have made it my quest to make the decade of the 60s the best of my whole life. This means I need to make the best of all my relationships, as well as to identify the self-worth that God made we with. I love this challenge.
Roger · July 8, 2008 at 10:18 am
That section Paul wrote in Romans has always resonated so deeply with me! May your 60’s truly be a golden decade of growth, joy, and peace beyond any previous season of your life. You may find the writings of Edwin Friedman to be helpful in your pursuit and journey of growth. I found his last book, “A Failure of Nerve” to be one of the most profound and insightful books I’ve ever read.