False Evidence Appearing Real
Well, for many folks, this is the season of FEAR. Yes, it’s time to don the hockey masks, vampire capes, fake blood, and gruesome prosthetics and go scare up some candy. Or, for the real daredevil – go out and bob for apples in a vat of Swine Flu slobbered water. Mmm, mmm, good!
Fear may be good for those in the Halloween business, but it isn’t good for parenting.
So this year, as your kids head out for their fright night festivities, see if you can muster up the nerve to parent them out of faith, rather than fear. Sure, you need to prepare kids young and old for the important decision points that could likely arise and pose danger or trouble of various kinds. And if your kids have recently broken the rules, made foolish choices, or in other ways broken your trust and shown themselves to be irresponsible, the right thing for you to do may be to “ground them” from Halloween activities this weekend. But holding them back in fearful parenting will not serve them well. Instead, lead with the kind of faith that shows a confidence in your authority as well as in their ability to do the right thing. So, whether you will be sending out your 16 year old for the evening with a prayer for her/his safety and wisdom or sending your 6 year old around the block or church parking lot right in front of you, send them out with the confident expectation and preparation do the right thing, use good judgment, and have a blast.
And save some Reese’s cups for my son. His Dad He really loves those things!
Parenting by Faith,
Dr Butner