You Say You Want a Revolution?
Just a quick post today to share with you several related things that have crossed my path recently.
As I write this, I have not yet seen the film, “Slum Dog Millionaire.” However, I intend to remedy that ASAP. Numerous people in whom I have high respect have told me this is a must-see film, especially for Christians in the comfort zone of middle/upper class America. As soon as I watch the movie, I will share my review with you here.
A teenage client shared this song (“Stand Up” by the Flobots) with me the other day. A bit of rough language, but a challenging confrontation to the Western Christian affluent comfort zone.
My friend, Blaine (who regretably has stopped posting to his once-provocative blog) very enthusiastically shared the message of “Irresistible Revolution” by Shane Claiborne with me, and how he has been sharing this message with the kids in his youth group. I look forward to reading it.
A blog/Facebook friend shared this gem with me about a guy in Venezuela who has been using music to transform the lives of the kids there.