Where’s my Adderral?
Between saying goodbye to the gang at BRCCC (my “old” office), getting my momentum going at MTA (my “new” office), and preparing to speak this weekend to a group of parents at a youth gathering, frankly, I don’t feel much like blogging. I’m doing my best to keep my head above water and keep focused on what needs my attention. This can be a real challenge for a guy like me, who can go and go and give and give until there’s little left in the tank.
But, you know, there are times in life when we don’t feel like doing something, but we have a commitment, and we have to learn how to just get it done, regardless of our feelings. I am grateful to have learned this valuable life lesson in much greater measure over the last year or so. And I’ve learned that taking time to take good care of myself is a critical piece of the puzzle.
So I’m writing this brief bit of bloggery at night before an early bedtime, and “post-dating” it so it will pop onto my site in the morning. Just because I have a commitment to fulfill doesn’t mean I can’t use a little creativity in doing so. Right? (And using technology to my advantage helps, too.)
By the way, if you ever get a chance to do an interview at a news station, I highly recommend bringing silly string and convincing one of the anchors to spray the place down on the air. It rocks! Thanks, Matt – you the man!!!