What’s so funny?!?

There is even a funny side to aging. . . if one has a warped sense of humor!
– Betty White
What a terrible shock to learn that our beloved Betty White had died – so close to the beginning of a new year on the calendar, and so close to becoming probably the most highly anticipated centenarian in history! We took it so hard because we loved her so much. It wasn’t just that Betty made us laugh, or that she had a radiant beauty that evolved with every decade of her life. She always seemed to be so honest. That’s what made us laugh, and a great part of what kept her so beautiful. If she thought it, she said it. And we loved her for it. This quality that Betty White had in such rich measure has always been one of the things I (and countless others) love about my wife. She doesn’t hold back. She just says it. I’m so grateful to live life with someone who reminds me to share how I feel and say what I’m thinking – even when that means risking an uncertain reaction from others. Sometimes we laugh because we are enjoying our experience so much. Sometimes we laugh because we don’t know what else to do. And sometimes we laugh because life is so ridiculously absurd that humor is the only way to survive.
So thank you, Betty – for decades of laughter and truth and good cheer. And thanks to my lovely bride, Chemaine, for continuing to carry that same spunky legacy through the decades of our own lives together – even when we’re laughing to keep from weeping. Do you have someone in your life who makes everything better with her/his honest expression of feelings and truth? If so, make sure you tell them how wonderful they are! And whether you have someone like that in your own life or not… why not work on being a source of joyful honesty, refreshing candor, and life-giving laughter to the people around you? Let’s all keep Betty’s legacy alive. Cause, let’s face it – there’s plenty to be upset about these days. We need honest laughter more than ever to keep us lively and moving forward.