What can I say?…
I just wanted to take a moment to officially inquire what topics you would like to see me address in the coming year? Spiritual issues? Self-Injury? Teen help? Marital recommendations? More lessons from Disney World?
What have you gained from your time spent on my blog? What difference does it make in your life?
What holes have you seen in my blog that you would like to see me fill this year?
Thanks for taking time to be a part of the HopeForYourFamily community! As always, I love getting your comments and feedback, and welcome the discussion. Also, thanks to all who have linked and helped me get a rating of 4 on the official blogometer thingy. I don’t really understand the ins and outs, but apparently this means my site is a hit!
May you be blessed with growth, humility, strength, peace, faith, love, and courage in 2010!
With Hope in Him,
Dr. Butner