Swamped with Blessings
Normally, I really hate feeling swamped. That feeling when I seem to be so behind and scrambling to catch up, certain that it won’t really happen and someone is going to end up very frustrated or disappointed with me. I hate that feeling! Ironically, one of my favorite things to do when I really feel swamped is take a mini-retreat to the Bluebonnet Swamp. Well, okay, sometimes it isn’t so much a mini-retreat as just escaping or avoiding the pressures I feel.
But that isn’t what I’m posting about today. Whew!
As of today, I am officially feeling swamped with blessings. And since I have this virtual platform, I thought I would share my little ray of sunshine with you. My counseling practice is growing, giving me the opportunity to provide for my family, while helping struggling people in the process. For a couple years or so now, I have been a part of a wonderful church and a wonderful fellowhip where I am increasingly finding freedom, joy, contentment, and purpose. I am beginning my second year of participation in Men’s Fraternity, which has blessed my life immeasurably, along with an even bigger group of guys than last year. I am increasingly having opportunities to share seminars with various groups, which I really love, also allowing me to provide for my family while helping and encouraging others. I am getting my virtual classroom set up for my first semester as an online adjunct professor with Liberty University, with my course beginning on Monday. My relationship with my wife has emerged from the doldrums we endured some months ago, and we are very much enjoying our friendship, partnership, and service in the Kingdom together. I am about to begin offering my counseling services one day a week in the nearby community of Hammond, which is also exciting. Let’s see – what am I missing? I am making new, deeply meaningful friendships lately. The wonders of online social networking technologies of various kinds have increasingly afforded me the opportunity to encourage and respond to people in places all around the globe. God has called me out to join the fight against human trafficking, and I still have no idea what that is going to mean for me, but I believe it will be profoundly meaningful. Have I mentioned lately how much fun and challenge it is being a parent?
So, as you can see – I’m swamped with blessings. I much prefer it to being swamped with pressure and stress. And I may just take my self to the Bluebonnet Swamp anyway!
Blessings to you.
Warren Baldwin · September 17, 2009 at 5:39 pm
I like your positive perspective on this. I am swamped, too, with ministry opportunities, but I was thinking of them as something to do, not as opportunity or blessing. So thanks for this refocusing!
Thanks for running the post about the book on Human Trafficking a couple of weeks ago. I ordered it and have read it. It is a good book exposing a horrible, horrible practice going on in too many places.
For several years I have been passing around articles about this. A number of people have begun sharing articles and praying. But I am shocked by how many have shown complete indifference. One Christian lady was even almost offended. “Why did you give me those articles” she wanted to know. If you have to explain it does it do any good to?
I’ve informed others about the book so hopefully others have ordered it. I plan to do a blog post sometime.
I have had your site linked on my blog since I started it in April. I don’t know if you’ve been to it yet. I’d like for you to read my blog post from Saturday if you get a chance – “Lasting and Happy.”
Thanks for your work,
Lantz Howard · September 18, 2009 at 9:10 am
Thanks for sharing the joy in your life. It is encouraging to hear what God is doing to reach others as he expands your territory as well. May you continue to find strength in this particular season of life.
As far as Liberty goes? Drop me a line and let me know what you think of there online PhD versus a traditional PhD program.
Doug Young · September 22, 2009 at 1:50 pm
Your also helping those of us who are looking to your insights. Thanks Doc!
Sue Miley · September 23, 2009 at 10:28 pm
It sounds like you are producing wonderful fruit from all of you Kingdom work. I pray for God’s continued blessing on your ministry and work!