Stress Less

Published by Roger Butner on

Here are a few tips for living with reasonable freedom from the bondage of stress.  Most of these I have learned the hard way.  Some of them I have experienced the hard way, but have not yet learned:

  1. Seek God every day.
  2. Surrender to God every day.
  3. Ask for help when you need it.
  4. Graciously accept the help you are offered.
  5. Slow down.
  6. Work hard to finish the tasks you start.
  7. Make rest an important priority.
  8. Prayerfully consider your list of current commitments before adding to the list.
  9. Learn to embrace, respect, and celebrate your limitations.
  10. Say “Thank you” often.
  11. Drink plenty of water.
  12. Stick with a sensible exercise routine.
  13. Let go of the need to be right.
  14. Hunger and thirst for righteousness.
  15. Don’t forget to play and pray every day!

What would you add from your experiences?

Categories: inspiration


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