Pure Halloween Wisecrackery with no Substantive Value
Just logging on to say I was somewhat disappointed to see there was no “Bob for Swine Flu” (aka – Bob for Apples) tub at our church’s Fall Festival (churches aren’t allowed to actually call Halloween parties “Halloween parties,” are they?!) this evening. As a consolation, I was thrilled to see, tucked away in a corner, the “H1N1 Nibble” (aka – Donut Gobble). What could be more delightful than taking a big bite out of a sugar coated, deep fried carbolicious morsel, laden with the flu-season slobber of the previous five kids who pecked and licked at the dangling pastry before your turn in line? I mean, that’s what I call livin’ on the edge!
Thanks to all the volunteers who took time to carefully inject the donuts with strawberry flavored Purell before the big event!
Glenn · October 30, 2009 at 5:08 am
SUBSTANCE is way over-rated! Bring on the tomfoolery and wisecrackery…see you guys at Men’s Frat!
Roger Butner · October 30, 2009 at 2:59 pm
Right on, Glenn! It was good seeing you this morning. Sorry to let you down on the Western movie clip. What was the other one you said you wanted me to fire up?
Glenn · November 4, 2009 at 11:34 pm
If you can, fire up AS GOOD AS IT GETS. The Nicholson scene where Jack tells his love interest, “You make me want to be a better man.” The poor gal had been BEGGING Mr. OCD to say something nice about her, and when he finally did, it blew her away. Good Men’s Frat quote!