Multiculturalism in America
I recognize the message in the link I am sharing will be offensive to some. I am willing to offend, because I recognize the deep wisdom reflected in the first amendment to our constitution as the anchor of our bill of rights. As I posted recently, I am continuing to read through a profoundly insightful book by Edwin Friedman called “A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix.” In light of what I have been processing, considering, and finding deeply truthful in his message, I was stirred by the words of this speech which I read today. I am sharing it with you through a link to, which I highly recommend as a resource to validate or debunk any email “forward” before you pass it along. In my experience, probably 90% of the e-forwards I receive are largely, and often grossly, inaccurate. This one has been validated as accurate by the man who actually gave the speech. I won’t expect you to enjoy it, but I do hope you will consider it. I am not offering wholesale endorsement of everything he says, but I do believe it merits serious, reflective consideration. Further, I do hope you will keep in mind that I continue to be committed to doing my part to stand against racism in myself and in the world around me, and sharing the message of Christ – a message of love, grace, and service to my neighbor. And Jesus makes it clear that my neighbor most certainly includes those who are racially, culturally, and linguistically different from me.
Here is the link to the speech. It may take you three or four minutes to read through.
With Hope in Him,