“Life moves pretty fast…”

Our favorite 1980’s truant teen actually shared some valuable advice with us back in the day:
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while… you could miss it!”
– Ferris Bueller
If we aren’t careful, we can waste the best moments of our lives because we are so busy straining toward the next season or losing ourselves in the distractions of the moment. Seriously, it was just yesterday I was watching this movie on VHS while i was in high school – now my son is in his last semester of high school. No joke, Ferris! Life moves pretty fast!!!
So, I dare you to live your best day today! Take that risk you’ve been dreaming of. Share an extra expression of genuine love and appreciation with someone who needs to know how you feel. Take time to enjoy some wholesome play. Work on something that really matters and will last. Show kindness to everyone you encounter. Listen to some good music. Pray for someone who’s on your heart. Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken with in too long. Apologize for whatever mess you still haven’t cleaned up in life – and work on cleaning it up. Take time to listen to someone who clearly needs a kind ear.
Truth is – you don’t know if you’re going to have a tomorrow. But you’ve got today. Live it while you can! Live it well. And take the time to savor the moments. Savor that conversation or just the quiet joy of being present with that person you love so much. Savor each bite of that meal. Savor that activity – what goes right and what goes wrong. Savor that special song. Savor that gorgeous view. Savor that crisp chill outside. Savor the warm wonderful crackle of that fire. Savor whatever it is that blows your hair back today. Just be sure you take the time to savor something. Cause Ferris is right. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!