Lessons from a 7 year old boy
It occurred to me today that while my wife and I have a great responsibility to teach, train, and lead our son well, I could actually learn a lot from my son, if I’m willing to take it in. Here are just a few of the life lessons Shep is eager to teach me on a daily basis (I feel a book deal coming soon, I’m sure of it!)…
1. Any day is immediately improved tenfold by a great fart. A good artificial fart noise will still bump your day up by a factor of three.
2. Much creative thought can be reserved for other activities than choosing what to eat for meals. (Breakfast = Pop Tarts / Lunch = pb&j / Dinner = chicken strips and french fries) Talk about mental efficiency!
3. Being precious at just the right time really does go a long way with most people.
4. Life really is better for everyone when you are eager to help other people.
5. Showing kindness and loyalty to friends is admirable at any age or stage in life.
6. If you want to intimidate the older Pokemon players, just memorize every evolution and power of every Pokemon in the Ultimate Pokemon Handbook. All would-be challengers will think twice before speaking in your presence.
7. Farting makes life better. And funnier. And more impressive. Well, just pretty much better in every imaginable way.
8. Reading good books is a great investment of time.
9. Praying to God is a very good thing. Listening for His response is even better.
10. Did I mention that farting is very, very good?
What’s my point? (My wife REALLY wants to know right now!) Live well every day. Be respectful of others, but don’t worry so much about what they think of you. Figure out what you enjoy in life, and do it often, as long as it is genuinely a good thing.
Coming soon…
Why my wife could give Betty White a run for her money, and why that is a very good thing for everyone who knows my wife.
Heather Aynne · April 21, 2011 at 2:01 am
Oh my! If only I wasn’t laughing so hard about the number of times farting was mentioned, I may have a better comment! But, as you said, farting makes the day better, so it’s all good! Thank you for sharing!
Roger D. Butner · April 21, 2011 at 2:54 am
Glad you enjoyed the post, Heather! As an anonymous poet once said…
“Beans, beans
Good for the heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the better you feel,
So, let’s eat beans at every meal!”