LA is more than NO!!!
Open letter to CNN, FOX, MSN, and the gang (might as well throw in President Bush while we’re at it):
I care deeply about the people of New Orleans. I was here in Baton Rouge to do what I could for those who came our way three years ago when Katrina ravaged their beautiful city. And I know they were hit by Gustav, and have their struggles. But I’ve got news for the news media…
Louisiana is more than New Orleans. I guess Houma, Morgan City, Baton Rouge, and the rest of the cities and towns in our great state that got hit much harder than New Orleans by Hurricane Gustav just aren’t as interesting or important as The Big Easy. I have always striven to make my website/blog a positive place, so I will keep this brief. Maybe if the hardcore “treehuggers” (don’t get me wrong – I am an active environmentalist) realize how many beautiful centuries-old trees have been totally ravaged around here, the news outlets will find a story sensational enough to run. In the meantime, we’ll be hoping and praying the power crews make us a higher priority than the news crews.
From Baton Rouge with loved ones from Houma, Morgan City, and West Monroe,
p.s. – For some real news coverage about the impact, aftermath, and struggle to recover from Hurricane Gustav, I recommend
p.p.s. – I got a good reminder from a blogger today that Gustav victims is a much farther-reaching group than Louisianians, and that folks in Cuba, Haiti, and Jamaica were hit harder than we were, and many of those folks have far fewer available resources to rebuild. Thanks for the perspective check on my perspective check!