Just Another Fish Story
Look for another blog post to follow shortly on a “deeper” lesson or two learned from my very first fishing trip. For now, I offer these:
- Spending a day fishing with a good friend is a very good thing.
- Fish spray poop whenever you pull the hook out of their mouths. Be careful where you aim their…tails.
- Porpoises are the “cows” of the saltwater “pasture” in the bays of South Louisiana.
- It’s a good idea to have a strap or cord on your sunglasses out there on the high-speed fishing boat.
- Speckled trout truly are beautiful creatures.
- Speckled trout smell far better cooked than they do in the cooler on the boat.
- If you are going to reel in a big fish (like a redfish), you better have the right equipment and ability.
- If you don’t have the right equipment and ability, be in the boat with someone who does.
- Don’t judge people by their diplomas and degrees. Education and wisdom come in many forms.
- Sunblock is your friend. So is the guy who reminds you to reapply a couple of times on a long day.
- There is a time to wait, and a time to act; a time to fish, and a time to move on; a time to persist, and time to switch bait; a time to observe, and a time to engage; a time to laugh, and a time to mourn; a time to sit, and a time to stand up and hold on (that last bit left me feeling like a rodeo bull-rider in training!); a time to answer the cell phone, and a time to ignore it.
1 Comment
angie · August 27, 2010 at 4:16 pm
#11 – yeah!