Important Availability Update

As of now, and for the foreseeable future, I am available to meet with clients either in my office or via teletherapy (through computer or smartphone) to residents of Louisiana. Both options are available for booking via my Genbook online scheduling system – just be sure to select the proper option, based on your preference. My preference is to meet at the office, given the connective energy of the therapeutic process, but I am pleased to continue offering teletherapy to those who are concerned about risks of viral exposure. Know that I am continuing to take the following diligent measures at my office to ensure the safest environment for all of us…
Measures I am taking at my office:
- Throughout the day, I am cleaning the areas in the waiting room, restroom, and my office that are frequently touched. I’m using Clorox wipes.
- I am personally using hand sanitizer before and after each of my client sessions, and keeping the dispenser just inside my office door for convenience to my clients.
- There is a relatively low volume of people who enter my office building. The only businesses in my building are a psychology practice of two professionals and a secretary, and three solo counselors – myself included. Add our collective clients to that, and you just don’t get large numbers of people entering our building each day. And it means the majority of those people (our clients) come in predictable time waves that allow us the opportunity to clean and disinfect with great effectiveness.