Gustav Perspective
First of all, I want to thank everyone for your prayers on behalf of those of us who live in the path of Hurricane Gustav. I am extremely grateful to report that all of us in my family are doing fine, and our home was not damaged. It seems our neighborhood fared much better than many others in Baton Rouge. For those of you who don’t live in the area – I don’t know what you are seeing or hearing on the news coverage, but Baton Rouge is a wreck right now. Please keep praying for us. It seems the biggest, most pressing need for the city and the state right now is power restoration. While there were obviously tremendous unique challenges in post-Katrina New Orleans, the current challenge of restoring power to East Baton Rouge Parish and the rest of South Louisiana is unprecedented. Please pray for everyone involved in these efforts, along with all who have lost loved ones, homes, etc.
On a more reflective note, I must say it has been interesting going through all of this with a four year old boy around. My son’s perspective has been quite interesting for me to experience throughout the storm and its aftermath. Some things that I just take in stride have been very challenging and stressful for him. At the same time, he has the ability to splash in the puddles and climb in the trees while the streets are lined with bewildered folks trying to assess and clear out the damage. What he is teaching me is that there is a time to cry out in misery and frustration and just honestly express how awful you feel about life, and there is a time to stop looking at the problems and challenges and just play and dance and sing. Thanks for the Ecclesiastes reminder, son.
More soon (including pictures),