Greeting The World With Grace

How do you face the world each day? Does it depend on your circumstances? Your mood? Who’s around? Do you hunker down in distractions and escapes, hoping life will somehow pass by and leave you alone? Do you hop up, stick your head out, and eagerly greet whatever the day will bring? Do you complain when things don’t go your way? Do you trust that God (or “The Universe,” if you prefer) will give you what you need to survive and thrive along the way? Do you celebrate the surprises and delights? Do you bemoan the disappointments?
How is your daily approach to life impacting the people around you? Do your loved ones feel encouraged by your presence? Or do you bring them down? Do your loved ones know you love them? Are you sure? Are you showing others how to face life well and inviting them to do the same? Do you notice the people around you? How do you respond to them? Do you find time to play and laugh and dance and sing and imagine and create? Are you busy all the time?
Today’s post has more questions than suggestions. Spotting this lovely gray tree frog today in the midst of the sweltering heat inspired me to reflect on how I poke out my own head to face each day. Seems like this little cutie just trusts that it will have all that it needs today to have a great day. Trusting today that God will give me everything I need to have a great day feels mighty good! And peaceful. And purposeful. And empowering. Try it out for your self. And while you’re at it…pass it on. Just like my new little friend did for me today.