As the great British philosopher, Eric Idle, once sang:
“Always look on the bright side of life. Always look on the light side of life. If life seems jolly rotten – there’s something you’ve forgotten. And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing. You’ll see it’s all a show. Keep em laughin as you go. Just purse your lips and whistle, that’s the thing.”
So, as I sit at home, awaiting the results of my morning’s ct scan to rule out appendicitis, here is what I’m grateful for:
– I am totally confident I am in the hands of my loving, all-powerful Father in heaven, whose will is perfect and good. So, no worries.
– I have a beautiful, wonderful family who love me and I love so very much.
– I didn’t have any clients scheduled today, so no cancelling and explaining.
– My doctor is excellent, and is a trusted, Christian brother – the kind with whom I can maintain my dignity as I get a quick hernia check. Good times!
– Apparently, the “Barium smoothie” you have to drink for an x-ray is one of the world’s finest intestinal plugs. I didn’t have to drink any of that unpleasantry today. No, I got to drink the “Barium smoothie” for a ct scan, which is apparently one of the worlds finest intestinal rockets. Forget about “sexting” – you haven’t lived until you’ve had a text conversation with your wife from a restaurant restroom, updating her on the results of the morning’s unexpected brunch. That’s livin the High Life!!!
– And last, but not least, I love the fact that I have this blog, and if I want to share “too much information” with my faithful followers or unlucky passersby – well that’s just what I get to do.
Peace Out
1 Comment
Roger Butner · November 20, 2009 at 11:45 am
And if you haven’t yet had your fill of the hilarious world of intestinal exploration, well, I can recommend a good therapist.
Or, check out Dave Barry’s column: A Journey Into My Colon – And Yours ( )