Family Transformation in 2010
How do I want to improve my life this year? How have I let my self (or others) down this year? What am I really ready to surrender this year? What part of my life has brought me to a breaking point? How do I want to make a difference this year? What does my family need from me this year?
The list could go on and on. Christmas is over and the New Year approaches. As waistlines and credit card bills expand, our minds move to that great annual enigma – New Year’s Resolutions.
Well, if you are looking to bring some real transformation to your family this year; if you want to really improve your relationships with your kids; if you know the time has come for you to step up and lead your home in a healthier direction, you may just be amazed at the power you will unleash as you face these three simple questions every evening. Perhaps you could write them on a card and tape them to your bathroom mirror:
1. Did I give enough healthy touch today? (The presence of ongoing healthy touch is one of the most powerful tools a parent can use to impart value, hope, and direction into the life of a child. Please invest wisely and lavishly!)
2. Did I listen enough today? (Sure, we want our children to listen to us and respect us. But please don’t forget – “Kids don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care!”)
3. Did I honor my word today? (Part of this challenge is to be honest with our kids, and not deceitful. However, the greater challenge may be carrying through on our warnings of correction and discipline. Empty threats will always steer our kids in the wrong direction – they are not neutral. Children need parents to consistently enforce their rules to prepare them for life.)
And remember that life can only be lived and changes can only be made ONE DAY AT A TIME.