You don’t need me to tell you what a crisis our nation is facing right now. Sure, right now to the average Joe/Jill like you or me, it may seem like something removed to Wall St. or D.C., but the waves will soon crash on the shore of our own front yards. Life is likely to change significantly for all of us. I don’t know if it will be as dramatic as the life-change faced by Galveston Island residents this year, or New Orleans residents three years ago, but life will change as our nation faces this tremendous season of crisis. I don’t know exactly how this crisis will unfold and impact my life. And I’ve certainly never been mistaken for a financial expert. But I do know the best way to face it, and I want to share this with you. Our governor, Bobby Jindal, has done a great job of encouraging our state to “Get a game plan” regarding tropical storm and hurricane impacts to our communities and homes. Here’s my game plan for facing this financial life storm:
1. Stay calm.
2. Be proactive (not reactive).
3. Take personal responsibility.
4. Exercise self-discipline.
5. Walk by faith in God.
I can be given to wordiness, but I see no need to elaborate on these points today. They are not complicated principles, even though we may experience them as greatly challenging to practice. But each one has the power to transform our lives, especially when tied together with the fifth point through a life of walking with Christ. I will share more thoughts soon, but know that you are in my prayers – along with all of our nation.
With Hope in Him,
p.s. – For some very relevant and practical insight and guidance, I highly recommend the work of both Dave Ramsey and Hal Runkel.