Biggest Loser?
Some of you may consider me a big loser for posing with my friend Pooh Bear, here. That’s cool. Others may consider me a big loser for plenty of other reasons.
The reason I am posting this today is because I am very excited about participating in the Biggest Loser 2010: C-K Office Park edition. Several years ago, I decided it was time to lose weight and get fit. I did just that, losing 60 lbs in about 6 months. I kept it off for quite some time, but slowly put almost all of it back on as I slowly lost the discipline to be guided by my goals and values over my impulses and urges.
So, I’ve been THINKING a lot for a while about losing weight and getting fit again, but DOING very little about it. It seems I needed something a bit out of the ordinary to help me find that catalyst to get going. Well, I found my needed catalyst. First was a realization that my unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits are setting the pace for my son, and I am not okay with that. Second was an invitation from a friend at my office park to pay in $10 and join the Biggest Loser pool for the next three months. Whoever takes off the highest percentage of body weight takes home the $100 purse. I’m in!
While my blog is not going to become a weight loss / fitness forum, I do plan to share with you my progress, lessons learned, struggles, and challenges faced over the coming weeks and months. I thought including this recent “before” picture on my site would be a fun, if painful, incentive for me to really get serious and bring down my weight from my 6’1″ official starting weight of 227. Maybe I won’t have to find such a rotund photo partner to feel good in my forthcoming “after” shot!
With Hope and Contentment in HIM,
Dr. B